Why You're Stuck?

In this series, I’ll talk about how your Self-Identity was formed, and likely why you may be stuck. I will show you the origins of what may be stopping you. In this Series, I am going to share tools and information that can help you thrive in yourself and in your life. Download the Full Transcription for Free Here.



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 0:00 - Introduction

 0:34Your conscious mind and subconscious mind

 2:55What are the primary brainwaves

 3:36Meet Becca Armstrong

 4:28What is your Self-Identity and how is it created

12:31What is the subconscious and what does it do for you

13:51 - A glimpse into the next episode which focuses on the Core Foundation of your Self-Identity. What it is. How it effects you. And much more.

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How to Stop Overthinking and Start Trusting Yourself

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 For the person who is ready to rocket forward and start thriving in their life NOW!
Download my HOW TO STOP OVERTHINKING AND START TRUSTING YOURSELF Guide, and get the TOP Transformation tools that will help you...
>> end your SELF-DOUBT
>> start TRUSTING yourself fully
>> make the right DECISIONS for yourself
>> take a giant LEAP FORWARD  in your life